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No, I believe MGS4 is a niche game that will sell to all PS3 owners, but only about half of them will ever finish it and when MGS5 comes out, we'll have a ton of people saying, "Ugh, I hate MGS," cause they bought this game off hype, and not because they are actually fans of the series.

Virtually every PS3 owner will buy this game. Less than half will actually enjoy it. MGS isn't a universal series. It's a very excellent series though.

With all the hype it has received, and considering how underplayed and underhyped MGS3 was, I'd say this game is gonna be a huge dissapointment to a lot of people, but also a shiny new gem to Metal Gear Solid fans.

Here's a tip. If you've never played MGS before, and you're excited about this game, you have a very good chance of hating it. You need to know the story, you need to love the series, and you need to know what to expect when you buy this or it is very likely you will come away dissapointed, because it's not exactly a "gameplay" kinda game. It's like nothing you've ever played before, and quite a few reviewers and gamers do despise this series.


As for the topic, one game can't sway things that much for PS3 in NA. If it could, it woulda been GTAIV. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.