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What does graphics that are "12 times better" mean? How do you measure that?

Also; you think that the Scorpio will output native 4k gaming at 60 fps?! That can't be serious. An overclocked GTX 1080 can't pull off 60 fps at 4k resolutions in the vast majority of games and that GPU alone costs 50% more than an entire Scorpio likely will.

PS: A near 50% increase for the Xbox One in 2017 is insane, that's not gonna happen. 10-15% would be great growth, but even that seems somewhat unlikely. I don't think there's any way for the One to outsell Switch by 3:1, unless the Switch only sells about 3 million or less. The initial shipment is around 2million, that would mean it can sell only another million or so for the rest of the year, or 2 million in your example. This hinges upon Switch flopping historically or Xbox One showing growth that is unheard of, both seem equally unlikely from where I'm sitting. That said, I do believe the One will outsell the Switch in 2017.