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Intrinsic said:
Soundwave said:

Sony being down even 10k is really poor IMO. They have a new hardware model (PS4 Pro), they have a new revision (PS4 Slim), AND they have a $250 promo revision for December. 

If they are down, clearly something is happening and it looks like that "something" is that XBox One is becoming far more competetive, taking away sales from the PS4, because there's no way the PS4 should be down this year with all that going for it. 

Hmmm lets see....

The new hardware revision PS4pro; is still just a PS4 albeit more powerful tht costs $150 more than the slim version, was undershipped and didnt have a single bundle going for it. And you really expect it to move tons of units?

the other new revision, the slim... did as well as it was going to do and pls.... don't talk like you couldn't also get the XB1 for under $250 during that holiday period.

We do know that the PS4 was up for the year though, and down this month..... probably down in NA all year round. But that could be attributed to dony staying at $350 for 8 months of the year.

Bottom line remains, MS should not have even been competetive, yet not are they more than holding their own since XBox One S, they are actually have some high water marks, highest month for XBox One sales ever in December is notable. 

If Sony didn't have two models, they probably would have lost this holiday season entirely, they barely won November from the leaks we got.