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Azzanation said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Microsoft cannot affort to lose more new IP, because they cannot make their own. that would be considered hot by any stretch of the imagination. This first and foremost is why its imperative. Unless they found another third party to make games for them this year is going to suck.

Quote - Microsoft *one of the richest companies in the world* cannot afford to lose more new IP..

Sorry that sentence cracked me up.

 Quote - Because they cannot create there own.

Hmm Sea of Thieves seems to be a MS created IP. Thats just one out of many games coming out this year. ea of thieves is a joke i you're using that as an argument vs their competition. MS is no where on their level in new IP production and still have not proven it in their third gen.  I have my xbox and love it, but ive admitted long ago that Microsoft is a crap developer with little imaginatuon. Gears and Halo were both bought.  Seriously, they've only been good at creating simulations since flight simulator. Crackdown is a joke to be putting up agaianst the competition as well. Its like i mean...what world are we living in? you even realize what you're doing? You're hyping up mid-tier games that aren't even proven yet. Word has it that Crackdown is having a rocky developmental cycle too. I mean Nintendo and Sony put more thought into their internal games so it shouldnt be that hard for Microsoft to make basic concepts outside of simulators. Microsoft still struggles to prove themselves as a development studios and even Phil Spencer even addressed this. This is exactly why I've always said Microsoft needs to get their first party under control before they even think about putting so much faith in third party.They've dropped like three major exclusives ( which werent major to begin with) ...but its microsoft so we give them the benefit of the doubt since they cannot do it themselves.