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HappySqurriel said:

People are more annoyed with the quality of titles, and the statements Ubisoft has made about their development for the Wii ... The only title on the Wii of any real quality that Ubisoft published is No More Heroes which they had no part in the development of; and they recently said that their strategy for the Wii was (essentially) to dump shovelware onto the Wii to pay for their HD games.

Well that makes perfect sense, it sounds to me like a quote or something being blown wayyyyyy out of proportion.

I can see it now:

Ubisoft guy 1: Hey man we should make some money to create even more expensive and profitable games.

Ubisoft guy 2: Yeah, I know, the Wii makes us heaps of money we'll be able to fund larger projects thanks to the profitable Wii.

Nintendo Nerd email they surely got 24 hours later:

Fuck you assholes how dare you make games for anything but the Wii, stock value and revenue is nothing, you should just be supporting our selfish hunger, I'm boycotting your ass.