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I feel the opposite. The shooting is pretty rote, so I found it boring and tried stealth whenever possible. My favorite bits were just walking and talking.

I thought the storytelling not done in cutscenes was exceptional, though not really on the same level as Oxenfree. Still, quite above pretty much everything else out there.

I can't really say I'm disappointed in U4 (I'm near the end), but it's definitely not a game that impressed me. It's a very solid game with a lot of shine and spectacle that probably distracts from pretty mediocre gameplay - especially the platforming, shooting, "puzzles," and set pieces. Mediocre doesn't mean bad, though. Just kind of bog standard.

I'm never impressed by graphics as they always age, but the game is beautiful even on an artistic level. It's really the storytelling that's carrying it for me, though that's only the parts where you're in direct control of Nathan.