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1. Sense 8 (fantastic show, though not perfect)

2. Daredevil (one of the best super hero shows ever made)

3. Jessica Jones (a great tv show that has a lot of problems)

4. Stranger Things (one of the most overrated shows I've ever seen. Yes, I absolutely enjoyed it and can't wait for the second season but the acting is incredibly inconsistent and downright embarrassing some times)

5. Orange is the New Black (a really unique show, but too depressing for me and hard to root for anyone. Most of them are way too damaged/vile people)

(Luke Cage is actually quite good. I just can't relate that much to what's going on because I haven't spent any time in ghetto neighborhoods or around many black people. I like Luke Cage himself (e.g. refuses to use the "n word"), but everyone else is annoying. I think it's a cultural thing. I don't get why everyone insists on fucking up grammar as if it's a cool thing.