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Riachu said:
Munkeh111 said:
pearljammer said:
Riachu said:
pearljammer said:
I thought FFXII played like a dream, it was the story and the characters (besides Balthier) that needed major improvement. If IU takes a similar path but has a engaging story as well as some interesting characters, I will certainly be a 360 owner.

IU's story sounds pretty chessy to me and the characters will probably be shallow stereotypes

You're probably right, that terrible voice acting doesn't really help it's case either. I will, however, remain hopeful.

So 3 had a great script but terrible voice acting, you would have thought they might have learnt their lesson

The VA wasn't that bad.  The main cast for the most part were well-done.  A few minor characters like Farleen and Welch were definitely grating on my nerves.  I thought the script was very good too.  Just asking but what defines a 'great script' to you?  I think it is when the words actually make sense and have no spelling errors.  Not everyone has the same opinions on the VA in SO3.


It made me laugh. However, I am not that far through the story yet