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Normchacho said:
Ugh. Sometimes gamers are the worst.

"People don't like my preferred video game brand because they're biased!"

Enough. It's arrogant, and whiny, and far too prevalent on gaming forums.

Will 100% of hate against Nintendo vanish after the reveal event? Of course not. But if they address enough people's concerns about the Switch the direction of the company in general then we will absolutely see a positive shift in the way people look at Nintendo.


fleischr said:
"It's a fad blah blah blah"
"Nintendo is for babies lolz"
"Handhelds are dead. Doopty doo"
"It wont be great til we get a new Chibi Robo. Hurdy hurd"
"Nintendo should go full mobile. Yadda yadda"
"Everything would sell better if it were on PS4/Xbox. Derpty derp"

Yeah, because everybody that doesn't share your opinion is retarted. I'll refer you to my earlier post ^


Grow up.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.