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Azuren said:
barneystinson69 said:

Damn man. Heard the hell custody can be with a child, and how the male is usually significantly disadvantaged. I can only wish you the best.

It's designed to fuck the father. I have a leg up in that my wife is certified mentally ill, but even that will only get me so far.

Are you in the US or Spain? Because those are two of the most fucked up legal systems when it come to custody that I know of.

I know a guy whose mother is a known addict without a job, has a mental disorder and tried to run her own son over with a car, while the dad has a steady job, was an abuse victim in the marriage and is an overall good guy. She got the kids. And the house. And the car. And significant spousal and child support. I'm not in favor of kids going outomatically to the man like in the 50s either, but COME ON!

I hope you can get at least shared custody. And I hope your child/ren come out of the mess alright. Good luck!