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jason1637 said:

Oh Nice! PS4 sales are looking really good in Japan tbh.

Like i said we dont know the gap either way. Yeah PS2 is #2 if so it ahead of XB1 on rankings but we should consider what happened last month and consider the gap also. Its not a fact that a certain console is winning Amazon because we don't know the gap. Its ok saying i think a console is winning but saying its a fact that a console is selling the most without knowing the gap is wrong.

Are you not reading what I wrote. You had the same problem with CGI when he tried to keep explaining. 

You seem to think that people don't understand you, we do. You're just not understanding other people.

I added more to an edit here it is

Edit- Even with talking about positions you cant say a console is winning as a fact because what if he said the PS4 is winning is fact but the gap between 2 and #20 is small and the Minecraft bundle right after puts the XB1 on top then the PS4 isn't winning. I'm not saying this is the case but im saying that because this si a possibility saying PS4 is winning is not a fact.

I understand what youre saying. Since the PS4 is at #2, and #85 and the XB is at #20 #23 #75 #80 you guy belive that PS4 is winning because its ranking is higher. The problem i had with this is that you guys was saying its a fact that PS4 is winning. Read my edit above it shows that it could not be a fact and just looking at ranking like that could be wrong.