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CGI-Quality said:
jason1637 said:

We can say Amazon doesn't have a clear winner that doesn't need to be repeated.

Then I advise you not to speak and use their numbers in any discussions after this - as it is clear that you no longer honor them.

So pointing out flaws in using Amazon is now ignoring them? Like i said yes the PS4 is higher up so if the gap is big its winning but if the gap is small the other XB1S could make up for the gap. Also im not taking your advice because Amazon is still pretty trustworthy but saying that we have a clear winner is completely wrong when you don't know the numbers. Also i don't "honor" websites but if a website like Amazon have proven to be reliable I will put more trust into them. 

Ill say this one more time you can continue to ignore it if you wish but Amazon had a similar ranking last month but this month Minecraft bundle is a lot higher but Pro is also a lot lower and there are not preorders and the PS4 only won by 100k last month so Amazon could be showing a Xbox heading or a PS4 heading but we dont know because its not that clear and if it was so clear that a console was winning what would be the point of discussing Amazon if we have a clear winner? But again unless you know the gap it is not a fact that Amazon is showing a clear or decisive winner.