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If such numbers are so horrible, than maybe the numbers need to change. You could replace 3 with ^, and 4 with *. Then...

0, 1, 2, ^, *, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1^, 1*, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20...

Actually, let's not do that. I only hope that people would stop believing in superstition. There is no proof that exists. Any proof is only a coincidence. I'm going to make up my own superstition. "If you pull an elephant's tail, you will get bad luck." It came out of nowhere, like the others, therefore, they cannot exist. I wonder how the "black cat" one was created. Maybe, many years ago, someone else wrote a post like this, and made up the "black cat" example, much like my "elephant" one, unbeknownst that people would fall for it. If that's the case, expect it people to be afraid of elephant tails in the near future.