Intrinsic said:
jason1637 said:
Well PS4 only beat XB1 by 100k, and it was on the same price and in some places had better deals. Also had a Pro model so lots of the sales were from upgrades. With the Pro upgrades slowing down and XB1S deals picking up i think MS will win the month. FFXV isnt an exclusive so for regular casuals its not a deciding factor. Gears 4 is doing less than other Gears but it probably has up to 35% digital so its probably sellinh pretty well. As got BF1 ofc it sales would drop but someone posted here that a gafer said sales were still at 1.3m. If thats true that really good sales.
Not saying FF15 is gonna do wonders, but the bolded part of your post is just BS.
Remember destiny? Or even the bundled COD games on the PS4, or watchdogs....... none of those were exclusives.... look what they did for PS4 sales.
Lastly, because you can say something (no matter how outlandish it is) doesn't make it true.
Destiny,CoD, Watch Dogs were all big bundles that were easy to aquire while the FFXV bundle had a very limited run. Lets not also forget that those games appeal to a larger audience in the US than FF and they had MP which FFXV does not.