Angelv577 said:
jason1637 said:
Well PS4 only beat XB1 by 100k, and it was on the same price and in some places had better deals. Also had a Pro model so lots of the sales were from upgrades. With the Pro upgrades slowing down and XB1S deals picking up i think MS will win the month. FFXV isnt an exclusive so for regular casuals its not a deciding factor. Gears 4 is doing less than other Gears but it probably has up to 35% digital so its probably sellinh pretty well. As got BF1 ofc it sales would drop but someone posted here that a gafer said sales were still at 1.3m. If thats true that really good sales.
Really? so are you expecting an allocation rate of 50%? if Uk is any indication, 80%, 20% is gonna be the allocation rate for US. if that is not enough to make a difference between both consoles then I don't know what to tell you.
Neve said i expect 50/50. I expect it to be around the same as in the UK but for those looking to buy a console it wont be a deciding factor because its multiplat and has no MP,