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mutantsushi said:

Obviously what they did do was not viable with any significant audience.
Whether Wii U might have been more successful by dumping tablet and selling at lower price is open question.
Or using the same budget to allow stronger CPU/GPU/memory at the same cost to consumer.

I think it does have bearing on Switch in revealing consequences of cheaping out on performance strategy.
That did not mean they could later drop their costs of production so much to maximize competitiveness in S/M market.
Too large a percentage of production cost was tied up in components less amenable to production gains.
Switch also commits to obsolete 2D 20nm process when future fab improvements (10nm, 7nm) will be 3D FinFET.
Rather than getting on board same fab node bandwagon everybody else is, even if aiming for smaller APU at lower clock,
Nintendo uses last-gen fab node which makes their design less amenable to future cost reductions from fab improvements.
It is aiming far behind the curve, and thus will always miss the largest % of cost improvements which the mainstream gains.

It probably would've sold more, but it wouldn't have magically sold like 100 million or even 40-50 million again. 

The Wiimote was bundled with the Wii U in Japan with Wii Party and Wii Fit (don't tell me this SKU was aimed at hardcore gamers) and it still sold like crap. 

Kinect was bundled with the XBox, that damaged the XBox rather than helping it. By around 2011 I think people kinda just got tired of waggling their arms around ... it gets boring and "same ol', same ol'" after the 50000th time and every system had it with the same exact types of games.