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Goodnightmoon said:

The price of games has been heavily devalued on mobile, one of the reasons why is so hard to find good games there, so this comes as no surprise. The game is getting great sales anyways though and that would increase a lot once it gets out of ios exclusivity, but yeah maybe 5$ would be a better idea for the future.

I would have been more satisfied at $5. Still disappointed, but not nearly as much. I can't stress enough how fast the game goes by and how little meaningful replayibility it truly has. Nintendo seemed to expect people would invest a lot of time into the kingdom building aspect despite the fact that it has no real impact on progression of the primary game content.

I would be satifised at $10 if they doubled the worlds and considered adding an additional level to each existing world. That would be just enough content on mobile that I feel what would be paid in a free to play title for content would equal out.

Nintendo unfortunately thought they could ignore mobile pricing trends and everyone would still be satisfied. The mobile profits I presume will be good, but I doubt this will have the impact on Mario that Pokemon Go did for the Pokemon series.