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Nuvendil said:
RolStoppable said:

Then it's settled. You'll buy a Switch at launch because BotW will release sooner and better for it, and because Switch will have new 3D Mario, new this, new that, and more.

He didn't say at launch :P 

And I wouldn't advise it unless the games you want are at launch.  That's always been my philosophy, no matter how neat the hardware looks.

Mummelmann said:
curl-6 said:

You know what, if BotW does come out on Wii U, I probably will get a Switch.

The main reason I don't plan to at the moment is because I don't feel I can trust Nintendo. If they kept their word on BotW, a lot of that trust would be restored.

This is a huge part of the reason why Nintendo keep making some pretty poor decisions for their fanbase; they know that a significant portion will buy their hardware and software regardless. I've stopped buying games from certain publishers myself, due to their policies and anti-consumer stances, I also refuse to buy hardware produced by certain manufacturers for the same reason (not buying phones from Apple or Samsung, for instance, staying away from most Microsoft products as well, Windows in the only I have).

Perhaps I should rephrase; if BotW comes out on Wii U, I will consider getting a Switch. I won't just get one out of sheer gratitude, it will still have to earn my purchase on its own merits.

I too refuse to buy from companies whose behaviour I don't like, hence why I don't a PS4 or Xbox One, and hence why if BotW doesn't come to Wii U I'll never buy another Nintendo product again.

I'm not one of those who'll complain about a company's actions then support them anyway.