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RolStoppable said:
Zkuq said:

I know it's not new. And I agree, the gap could be smaller than many expect. PS4 and XB1 have been on the market for three years now, and they were considered underpowered even when they were released. Now we're having mid-gen upgrades, but I think it still begs the question about when new consoles are coming.

I wouldn't say Sony is following traditional generations either if it weren't for the fact that Sony has made a comment which reinforces the stance that they still believe in traditional generations.

Forgot to ask why you think that Nintendo isn't following generations anymore. Surely you must have something more substantial than they are launching first.

Ah, so that was what you were wondering. I don't think Nintendo isn't following generations anymore (sort of). I think that a universal concept of generations is not very useful anymore. Nintendo follows its own release cycles, which aligns its consoles quite differently compared to those of other console manufacturers. Microsoft sounds like it's not going to even have generations anymore, and Sony seems to be following traditional generations but even that's not really clear. Personally I think talking about each manufacturer's own generations is more useful than talking about one universal concept of generations. I think the fact that we keep getting these threads is a sign that there's something wrong with the current universal generations. Generations are a nice concept because they offer a really simple model on how console lifecycles work, but they're not necessarily a very descriptive model anymore.