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vkaraujo said:
Azuren said:
I like how a lot of people are blaming white rednecks for this when the people to blame are the DNC for denying the seat to the actual democratic candidate, Sanders.

You know, the candidate that beat Trump in all the polls, whereas prior to her nomination Hillary couldn't?

I don't believe that Sanders would win, but i agree he would have been a better candidate.

Still, this is a cultural problem happening all over the world, it is hardly fault of the DNC, rednecks or even Trump. Trump administration will surely intensify the problem during the next years, but for now he just took advantage of something that was already happening.

Nem said:

You act like what elected Trump wasnt an electoral college rather than popular vote. You can't claim that is democracy's fault when you don't have a democratic system.

Also, feel free to tell us wich system you would prefer, because monarchy and dictatorship ain't much better.

That said, electoral college is just a detail/excuse. The guy still received 63M votes, and that's very alarming.
Not saying we need to give up on it, but democracy obviously has flaws, and it seems we have let our guard down against those flaws.


''Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.'' - Winston Churchill

I agree it alarming and only shows that there is a deeper problem in the USA that many tried to pretend wasnt there and needs solving. Education. But the fact that that problem has lingered ma be because of the terrible election and legislation system. It promotes stagnation more than anything.