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Mr Puggsly said:

That's what left wingers don't get. We don't need him to do exactly what he promised, the direction Obama was going was shit and more importantly unsustainable. That's why much of the country said "fuck you" to Hillary.

Was Hillary gonna support a wall? No, nor would she be tough on immigration like Obama. Was Hillary going to get rid of Obama care? Nope, she's want to continue pushing something millions of working people can't afford along with an expensive penality for those uninsured. Atleast with Trump there is a chance that shit will get improved.

Hillary would have made Obama's legacy 12 horrible years. With Trump, we'll just have to wait and see.

1) Trump isn't even going to "support a wall" he will be happy with a fence in some areas. - Why criticise Hillary for this aspect as well?
I bet he won't even get Mexico to pay for any of it either. Bravo.

2) Obama has done some fantastic work in establishing bilateral defense and trade with countries all around the planet.

3) Trump only cares about himself. Instead of "Draining the swamp" he is only filling it up with more garbage.

4) Hillary and Obama are two different people. - Trump is a different person than other Republicans is he not? Don't lump any of them in the same boat.

Mr Puggsly said:

The best defense would be Hillary wasn't gonna give us what we wanted either. However, you're jumping the gun considering Trump hasn't had the opportunity to do anything really. I mean we atleast gave Obama an opportunity to be a shitty leader.

Hillary hasn't had the chance to do anything either. She was never president.

Obama was far from being a shitty leader, at-least you never saw Obama bullying people via twitter and acting like a child, the immaturity that comes from your American leader is the laughing stock of the entire planet.

I am going to enjoy the next 4+ years with great amusement and hilarity.

Mr Puggsly said:

People didn't just vote for a slogan, albeit a much better one than, "I'm with her." That's part of the issue, Hillary ran on her vagina and glass ceiling BS more than actual issues. She even pushed racism and sexism more than her experience as a politician, but maybe she had to given her record isn't so great.

I cant disagree with that. I'm not a fan of Hillary. And she did push her sex as a focal issue.

Mr Puggsly said:

Look back to previous presidents as well.

Growth under Obama hasn't been amazing and he benefiitted coming in after a crash. Jobs could only go up. He's getting credit for something he's not really responsible for.

It is how Obama handled things after the crash which was good.
And no. "Jobs could only go up" is a blatant, incorrect falacy. - Japan for example, despite all it's attempts has struggled to gain any traction since the Mid 90's.

Greece is still struggling, so is Brazil and a heap of other countries.

BMaker11 said:

1st bold: more people voted for Hillary. Nearly 3 million more, actually. 3 million more people voting for Hillary than Trump is a "fuck you" to Hillary?

2nd bold: Obama's legacy is gas going from over $4/gal to under $2/gal, getting 21 million more people insured, consistent job growth over the span of his presidency, the stock market more than doubling, gays getting the right to marry, unemployment going from near 8% to 4.6%, getting Bin Laden, cutting taxes for the middle class, and more. All with a Congress that stonewalled him at every turn. I don't understand the "4 more years of Obama" as a negative point on Hillary. I mean, I know Republicans have painted the picture that Obama has ruined the country and their constituency was suckered into actually believing fiction , but reality is based in facts, not in fiction. And the facts show that "4 more years of Obama" would be a good thing. That's why people say if Obama was able to run again, he'd have Reagan '84 level destroyed Trump. 

Side note: you're proving Noah and several posters in this thread to be correct, by showing that you'll defend Trump from any and all criticism, no matter what

Well said!

Mr Puggsly said:

2. You give Obama credit for things he has no real influence. 21 million got insured through higher premiums for working people and ridiculous penalties, Obamacare is unpopular for a reason. Obama got in after a market crash, so again he could only benefit from jobs going up but U-6 numbers don't look great for him. Gays getting married is fine with me and I actually like some of the changes he made to healthcare, its the Obamacare thing I don't like. You're really giving him credit for Bin Laden? Yeah, whatever. I think much of the country was ready to bail on Obama, they didn't even want the person Obama spiritual successor.


The silly part is... If any of that happened under Trump, people would be praising the amazing work Trump has done.

As for Obamacare... The premise is a good one and is a step towards an Australian/Canadian health care system, which is not only effective, but vastly cheaper.

Mr Puggsly said:

Republicans fuck up the economy? How's the debt looking since Obama got in? The direction he's going isn't even sustainable.

Anywho, lets just wait and see how Trump does at job growth. Can't be much worse.

Debt isnt an issue. In-fact, Debt is a good thing.
Fun fact. All that debt could all be paid, overnight. - But that would be catastrophic for your economy and would set you back decades.

Remember the USA is a sovereign nation, with intimate control over it's currency, which most other currencies in the world are pegged against.

What you need to look at... Is Debt to GDP ratio. Once it starts getting super crazy, then you worry, like Japan.

For example... Many countries back in World War 2 took out rather significant loans for their various war efforts, these loans weren't "Tiny" some were the size of their own economy. (Aka. 100% Debt to GDP.)
The end result is, those countries didn't pay all that money back overnight, some countries are still paying those loans off... But thanks to their countries growth, that debt is less than 1% of the equivalent GDP today and is a drop in the bucket.

With that in mind... Trump wishes to spend Trillions on infrustructure, will spend Trillions/Billions on tax breaks for big business and the rich. - But Obama is somehow worse? Please.
Trickle down economics doesn't always work.

Tariffs could have a negative impact on the USA's trade as well. I know I will be less inclined to buy American goods/services, not to mention low and middle income earners will be hit harder with price increases, meaning less disposable income to help drive your economic wheels.

Plus the entire world isn't going to stop buying from China either, the world is a larger economy than the USA.
If the USA does reduces the amount it purchases from China due to Tariffs, the world isn't going to start buying American, we will continue to buy Chinese. You are only hurting yourselves.

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