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Talal said:
LurkerJ said:

It wasn't Iraq, for sure.

It happened in 2001 and your president invaded the wrong country as a response. Who pushed for that response? The Saudis, because they saw a good opportunity to get rid of Saddam and they pushed for it.

Whoever your president is, the Saudi will have their claws deep in your politicians. I hope that, for the sake of the planet, Trump is different.

The fuck?

They offered lands and military bases to American soldiers like no other country in the region. What did that support mean? Sure, "pushing for the war" isn't the right description here, since the US had their goals as well and no arms were being twisted on either side, but the Saudi regime was more than happy to offer support and let the US do the dirty work. Whatever official statements they made back then, it was just the usual facade politicians put on to not anger their people.

Besides, it's not like the Saudis' role in replacing regimes and leaders throughout the Arabic countries is a secret anymore, they'll step up and meddle even in the absence of the US support or refusal to cooperate. The examples from the past few years alone are numerous. Had Iraq not been invaded, the Arabic spring would've caught on Iraq and they would've been more than happy to arm the repels like they are doing in Syria, or squashing the protesters like they did in Bahrain, or helped in toppling an officially elected leader like they did in Egypt.