There are lots of people wanting PS to show their numbers with the "BBF EVER" statement. It doesn't mean they will though. PS can do whatever they want. The 50mil number is not all that matters. Adding software to that helps yes, but whats happenening with the competition matters a whole lot as well. A great example is when PS2 was selling like hot cakes, and Xbox was selling just ok. What ended up happening because PS didn't pay attention to what was happening at MS? The 360 launches a year before PS3 and steals tonnes of business from PS. The hardware, the games, the price, the launch, the "proor" Xbox sales, all contributed to this, and PS had put themselves in a horrible position. If PS lets this happen again, they could very well suffer with Pro and PS5, if Scorpio turns out to be next gen. Again, this doesn't matter much as to PS4 sales, but the future of the brand most definitely, its all interlocked. |
Haha lol.
So you are saying that the numbers in November for one country (USA) is more important than the total sales of a product? Seriously all that matters is the total number. Of course Sony might be a little disappointed that the PS4 is selling less in Japan, or down YOY in USA, but if the product is on target to sell more than the PS2, or still selling amazing numbers in total, are you sure that one country number (which we already know was their best BF weekend ever in that month), is more important? really? All that matters is that total number and the software total number and the PS+ numbers, and finally the revenue numbers, and we know that all of those numbers are really good.
Why are you bringing in PS5/Scorpio, they really has no bearing on anything right now, because it doesnt exist. If Scorpio turns out next gen (whatever that means as generations will become less aparent), still depends on many factors, price, power, exclusives, 1st party studios, marketing, countries released in... Sony are in a much better position than MS and MS know it... MS can try and push the narrative that the scorpio is the only real 4k machine with the best pixels ever seen, but if checkerboarding from Sony means that most games look the same and they are $100 cheaper (or more), and as always have the more diverse library, then "Next gen" scorpio is going to be a tough sell (and they know it).