Normchacho said:
Because it's not a hugely popular franchise. |
The first one did 639k FM in the US. and VGC says 1.5m life time in the US with 2.6m WW.
Neodegenerate said:
Halo Wars would move xbox units the way something like FF Type-0 would move units. Your Halo fans that enjoy the FPS experience aren't gonna play a RTS. Hell, do you really think they would've went so long between Halo Wars games if they thought they were serious unit movers? |
Xb360 sold 330k when the first one came out. The first one sold 2.6m so yes Halo fans do enjoy RTS. It took them a while because Bungie left and 343 started Halo 4. Then MCC to push and FPS Halo. They were working on Halo Wars 2 as they were making 5,