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Normchacho said:
jason1637 said:

Why wouldnt it?

Because it's not a hugely popular franchise.

The first one did 639k FM in the US. and VGC says 1.5m life time in the US with 2.6m WW.

Neodegenerate said:
jason1637 said:

Why wouldnt it?

Halo Wars would move xbox units the way something like FF Type-0 would move units.  Your Halo fans that enjoy the FPS experience aren't gonna play a RTS.  Hell, do you really think they would've went so long between Halo Wars games if they thought they were serious unit movers?

Xb360 sold 330k when the first one came out. The first one sold 2.6m so yes Halo fans do enjoy  RTS. It took them a while because Bungie left and 343 started Halo 4. Then MCC to push and FPS Halo. They were working on Halo Wars 2 as they were making 5,