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luinil said:
ssj12 said:
ferret1603 said:
They're actually considering raising fuel tax by another 2p "to save the environment". Welcome to utopian Britain where people are starting to stay in their town working on minimum wage because they can't afford to drive to decent work. The environment's very happy though.

so basically they are over taxing their people... I wonder if there will be a Revolutionary War =P I think that happened once before due to over taxation.

 The main cry in THAT war though was "No taxation without representation" since King George would not listen to the colonies. Did you also know that only about 30% actually supported going to war at the time, but that the entire "Congress" finally agreed to it after relentless pressure. 

 But one could make the argument that the people are no longer being represented properly...

 no true, if theym were representing you properly they would be fighting for lower taxes and gas prices.

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