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Azzanation said:
Torillian said:

Just so we're all on the same page as far as math goes.  The score is 83 with 55 reviews, for it to get down to 77 the next six reviews would have to all be 2/10.  The likelihood of that is exceedingly low.  Your prediction is fucked.  

Good to see Moderators use good language.

So far as the reviews go, I honestly don’t care what it sits on. The game could sit on a 98/100 Meta I still wouldn’t buy it the way it’s made. I don’t play games with bad controls and gameplay treated as a 2nd priority. If you’re into these roller coaster type games that you might only play once than that’s good, it’s your style.

My 77 Meta guess was higher than many others who also guessed so attacking my guess is a little unfair when others guessed less. I consider my guess fair. I can see at least 1 troll review coming for this game, it’s only a matter of time. I said UC4 would get a troll review, and everybody just brushed it off as it wouldn’t happen, and guess what happened.. Someone gave it a 4/10. So I don’t have to be right on all my guesses, however I have been right many times before. Troll reviews happen on all the popular games. It will be very lucky not to score below 5. However it’s just another guess not me stating a fact.

If gamers are happy to except an 83 Meta than I’ll be looking forward to reading what gamers say when the next Xbox or Nintendo title hit the same mark.

If you like my post or not. If doesn’t bother me one bit. I am just committing to open threads like these.

Don't really care about your feelings on the game, just letting you know that math means that a 20 or 40 review is not going to be enough to get to 77 as you made it seem in the original post I quoted.  Everything beyond that is opinion, man.  

Do you disagree that your prediction is fucked?  Or would it be nicer to say that your prediction appears mathematically to be incredibly unlikely and is therefore fucked?  
