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Barkley said:
Azzanation said:

Hmm i guessed a 77, and theres still more reviews on its way.

You also said Uncharted 4 would drop to 88 by the time all the reviews came in. The score has enough reviews now, it's not moving anymore than 2 points at a push. You continually underestimate reviews for PS Exclusives!

How many actually guess the right review scores? Thats the bigger question.

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Azzanation said:

Hmm i guessed a 77, and theres still more reviews on its way. Hasnt recieved its troll reviews yet. I am sure a 2 or a 4 is on its way. 

Also you might want to look at Gregs twitter

Who is he ?    I actually use twitter though.

Ex IGN Reviewer and loyal Playstation fan.