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Sony Discussion - Knack 2 - View Post

Bristow9091 said:
JWeinCom said:


Of course you didn't.  I wasn't trying to criticize you or anything like that.  The reason I quoted you was to point out the hypocrisy.  

When you said that the game deserves more than 54 on Metacritic, the literal interpretation of that is that the people who gave it less than 54 on metacritic were wrong to do so and had invalid opinions.

Naturally, I understand that what you actually meant was that you happened to enjoy the game more than the people who reviewed it did, and you would have rated it higher than a 54.

In the case of your statement, Naruball was able to deftly identify that you were not speaking in a literal fashion.  If he wanted to interpret it in a literal fashion, he could have, and he could have made the same accusation that you were trying to state your opinion as fact.  Curiously though, in your case he chose not to take it literally, and in mine, he did.  I suspect it may because he agrees with your opinion, but he disagreed with mine.  And instead of trying to point out anything specific that he disagreed with, he instead tried to misrepresent what I said.

Out of curiousity, what do you mean by "everything else" in the game?  The graphics were decent enough for the time, but other than that, I don't really see anything above average about it.  I didn't get that deep into the story, but what was there didn't grab me.  

I don'y really see where the hypocrisy is in my post, if that's what you're trying to sugest... I even began my sentence with "I thought" to show that it was just that, my thought, nobody elses, in the same way you'd say "in my opinion", it's just another way of saying it. I'm not trying to defend the game, I'm just saying what I thought about it, and that is that I enjoyed the game.

As for the "everything else" part... sure the gameplay was simple yet I didn't mind it, but I did like the story of the game, sure it was textbook and easy to tell, but aren't all family friendly stories? No point trying to add complexity to a story meant for everyone is there... I still enjoy the graphics even today, the style they went with always holds up great in my opinion, and another thing I enjoyed that not many people talk about was the music too...

Yeah, I get that you're just stating your opinion, which was what I was doing too.  I'm just pointing out that the person I was responding to accused me of trying to speak for others when I stated my opinion, but didn't react to your post the same way.

As for the story, being meant for everyone doesn't mean there can't be depth and complexity.  For instance, if you look at Pixar's movies, they are accessible to everyone, but still have a lot of depth. Can't remember the music that well.  Any particular tracks I should look up?