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vivster said:
Why though? Just let them step out of the race and make their games Windows exclusives.

Don't make me throw you off the sled... 

Snoopy said:

All the exclusive games they showed at psx won't be here for a while pretty much and will be 2018 at the EARLIEST. They always end up delayed or what not. Microsoft has deliver one of the best racers, sand box game, fighting game, third person and first person shooter. This year alone we gotten Quantum Break, Killer Instinct season 3, Forza Horizon 3, Gears 4, Recore and soon Dead Rising 4. That is pretty good and a lot better in my opinion than Sony had to offer this year. I liked uncharted 4 a lot , but didn't care for sf5 due to lack of content and terrible netcode/delay. Not sure how TLG is going to be, but it looks rather disappointing to be quite honest. And yes I know a lot of the xbox games are on the PC as well, but a lot of people don't view pc machines as viable gaming machines. 


S.T.A.G.E. said:
Slade6alpha said:
If you look at it just Xbox, then yes, but MS is Xbox and PC, in which case I feel they right now delivering the best out of the three.

They are, but truthfully, was 2005 through 2008 any different in third party development quality from Microsoft? Sure...Halo and Gears are developed solely by in-house studios now, but has anything truly changed?

Back then they had a head which invested in a lot of things. While Spencer seems closer to Robbie Bach, he seems wary of investing in new IPs, especially when none have been rated around ninety one or higher... 

Snoopy said:
aLkaLiNE said:

I'm not sure if you understood my post correctly, but the point I was getting across is that all of those games were delayed in addition to being prematurely announced 3 years before launch... Which is literally what you were just complaining about here 

So let me reiterate the first half of my post: 5 AAA Microsoft exclusives got delayed this gen and all of those same games were announced AT LEAST 3 years before they have or will launch. If you can understand that, then take a look at the quote right ^^^^^^^ there.

And yet MS show other quality games that release right away like Halo, Forza, Gears, Dead Rising 3 & 4, Titan Fall, sunset overdrive,ect. Its okay to show games that are coming down the road, but better have some games ready right away or around the corner.

This seems true. Something I noticed was Sony often announces a huge catalog of games... For five years later. When MS announced a game, it was either for the year it was announced or it fell into development hell. 

The problem's them having a lot of IPs in storage they haven't used. Lost Odyssey, Age of Empires, Fable, Phantom Dust... They haven't revived them or show any hint they might be alive. It seems they have lots of games but almost all of them are lumped together in a fridge. 

What they've done so far though trumps everything Sony has thrown at me. People often praise them for having a backlog of games... Which seems pointless when most of those will not release soon and when most of those ARE the third party software people slam MS for. 

It's a double standard and at this point I don't think MS cares. They are aware something horrible might have to happen on their side to stop them so they are not bothering. Instead, they are covering everything they are able to like Apple tried so later on they are able to have more customers, even if they are less "gamers" than Sony. 

Sorry, but your damn lists are useless if I am not impressed and only two or three of Sony's lineup impresses me.