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We know for a fact that the primaries were rigged by the DNC. Why are we using data from the primaries as an indicative of a hypothetical election results?

If Bernie won, he would've continued building momentum and Hillary voters would've voted for him. Unlike the bernie bros who vowed to #neverhillary.

10% of dems voted for Trump, I highly doubt that would've happened if Sanders replaced Hillary.

Trump would've lost voters to Sanders if people got to know about him more, he always stood against immigration and trade deals, the two issues that pushed Trump to win.

He was always against the Iraq war and always pro-gay marriage. You can't make a video of Sanders lying for 15 minutes straight like you could with Hillary and Trump.

Sanders is Trump in many ways, but without the personal baggage and the questionable personality. He could've won. Even dumb Hillary lost by few points here and there, why are you making it out to be an impossible mission for Sanders?