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The biggest video game voice actors are actually very very overpaid and they get their jobs through connections and not through competition in a free market, when in fact they could often be replaced by very skilled amateurs who are just waiting to get their chance and who would voice act for much less money (often as a side job and extra income to studies or some other job).

We need to understand that the big voice actors are people who dreamt of becoming Hollywood movie actors but they weren't talented enough, so they had to resort to voice acting video games for a easy bucks. Many of them see voice acting video games as a low status job, while in fact it's a comfortable and very easy job for a normal person. Naturally these bitter wannabes will want to milk as much money from voice acting as possible in order to gain a luxury lifestyle that at least reminds of the glorious Hollywood star life they always dreamt of.

But there's no reason for us to give in to the unrealistic demands of these megalomaniac voice actors! It's not our job to compensate for their failures in Hollywood.