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It wouldn't be a big deal if Trump just cut the deal instead of making a big PR spectacle of it. If he wants to do that, ok, then lets look at the deal, once you look at the deal you realize it's not that great. 

Once you break down the deal it's more "well it could've been worse" deal than a "wow, that's great" deal.

Like I said, businesses that don't have 5 billion tied up with the federal government would tell Trump go screw himself, Carrier was picked purposely as a PR gift because they knew they had significant leverage over Carrier and they still didn't get a great deal.

This is like the easiest negotiation they could've had, most companies do not give two craps because they don't have lucrative defense contracts paid for by US tax payers. IMO shame on Carrier too ... billions in tax payer funded contracts and even the direct president elect getting involved and they still would've give on 50% of these jobs? C'mon.