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numberwang said:

The deindustrialization of the US accelerated with Clinton's NAFTA and Obama has no magic wand against it.


Deindustrialization was going to happen no matter what. 

The only way to stop it from happening would be if China, Japan, Europe, Russia were all communist and the US didn't have to compete against any country and products could only be made in the USA. 

And even then, eventually automation would become a problem, which it is. Like I said there are more factories in the US today than 30 years ago. They only employ 1/3 the work force though because technology has improved so much and that number is only going to become more lop sided. 

Manufacturing is never coming back. No politican has the balls to publicly say this though. People who think they have a steady manufacturing job waiting for them for the next 10-20+ years need to wake up, it's the 21st century now and shit has changed. 

They're already prepping for self driving trucks in the US for example ... if trucks become automated, trucking is one of the last "big" blue collar jobs left. You walk into a McDonalds today and they employ maybe 1/2 the amount of workers as they did a decade ago because you can order on touchscreen kiosks now. Everything is changing.