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Short answer we like killing things in media. Uncharted 4 did gave you the oppurtunity to sneak past fights though. Mostly games revolve around the good and the bad guy and as usual the bad guy tries to take out the good guy by cheating/mercs. So eventually we got to deal with those, be it guards, criminals or mercenaries. Some games reward you for killing all some reward you for killing none/few (Infamous and Dishonored). Others give you the opportunity to sneak past your enemies or otherwise not killing them and some don't. I would like to see more games offering choice in that matter. As for TLOU you didn't have to kill those doctors and horror survival is sometimes survival of the fittest. Even though TLOU was a tale in which humanity and lack there of was very important, killing and doing inhumane things for a logic and founded reason was also a major theme. Violence and guns aren't holding the media back the constant and careless use of violent however does. Killing in games should be less common and have more impact as last resort measure rather than first option.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar