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Alkibiádēs said:
Slimebeast said:

Hasn't for example Belgium moved in a more socialist direction for 20 years now, with Cultral Marxism creeping in at the institutional level?

No government programs to raise awareness for feminism and multiculture? No safe spaces or trigger warnings at universities?

There's not a single left-wing party currently in the goverment of Belgium. It's a right-wing alliance true and true.

Belgium has a very complicated political system anyway. It's divided in 3 zones: Flanders (where right-wing parties are more popular than left-wing parties), Brussels and Wallonia (where left-wing parties rule supreme). These "zones" have a great deal of autonomy. You can only vote for Flemish parties in Flanders, for Walloon parties in Wallonia and you can vote for all parties in Brussels. Dutch is the official language for Flanders, French and a little bit of German for Wallonia and both Dutch and French for Brussels (although the majority speaks French, sadly).

You clearly don't know Belgium very well if you think it's heading towards a Marxist direction. Then again, anything that isn't extreme right is considered left or communist in the USA...

A recent study showed that 40% of the Belgians think sex without consent is ok in certain conditions (more women voted yes than men). Yeah, really feminist country... In the Netherlands only 15% voted that sex without consent is ok. Although I don't know how they asked the question, so this study could be bogus.


Socialism and cultural marxism doesn't mean that the majority of the population thinks a certain way, it means that state policies are designed in a leftist way.

But it's good to know that Belgium is moving in the right direction! Perhaps you will close your borders too eventually.

I don't know why, but when I think of Belgium I think of muslim jihadists and I think of a multicultural Brussels with half the people on the streets looking like they come from the Middle East or Central Africa.