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physical is dead to me. i have about 400 dvds and maybe 30 blurays but i don't watch any of them. i really think the "outrage" against ps4 pro not having a UHD player was quite laughable. UHD will never catch on. it's as DoA as 3D blu rays.

i stream now. i love not having to get up off the couch to put a disc in. i love that the exact episode or even second within an episode/move is remembered if i stop in the middle and pick it up later (even if i watch on a different device). it is just so convient.

but also,.. the "industry" has been dicks to us consumers for years. the format wars between blu ray and HD DVD. the constantly evolving resolution standards. HDMI 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3a, 1.4a, 2.0. 3D. as a consumer i can't buy a device and have resonable expectation that it will work for 10 years. they keep moving the fucking goalposts and they've been shit about forward compatibility.

there isn't a standardized way to buy digital content either so each purchase is tied to a specific service provider making the idea of shopping around for the best pricing a way to fracture my content library across services that each have the liability of supporting some but generally not all devices.

so my opinion is fuck the industry. they've made it impossible for me to want to purchase content. i "rent" netflix each month and that's it. i barely put any money into media anymore and i blame them for making it so fucking hard to want to buy anything.