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Gaming Discussion - Gamestop - View Post

Gamestop is my last resort for video games. I understand corporate is up each employees asshole with regards to selling, but I don't want to be assaulted when I walk in the door with questions and offers. I work in retail, I like to wait until it becomes clear a customer is searching for something specific before asking if I can help them.

I hate having to ask if a customer wants to waste money on bonus shit, and Gamestop is the worst about this. No, I don't want a rewards card, mobile phone, credit card, strategy guide, or protection plan. Jesus Christ.

Still can't believe they sell opened "new" games, or sell used game collections that have had the redemption codes used without some kind of warning that not all games advertised are included.

Those ugly stand-in cases, the stickers you can't get off the original cases, the blaring TV on an all-too-short loop of advertising, the long wait (and smell of BO, pot, or both) when the dregs of humanity attempt to haggle or argue with the poor cashier...I actually dread setting foot in one.