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WolfpackN64 said:
Slimebeast said:
People showing their true colors.

People who show admiration to Castro are crypto-communists. A typical sign of this person is often that he doesn't get truly upset by atrocities like the Gulags or the Long March.

These people love the process that is going on in some Western European societies and USA toward the socialist totalitarian state, where free speech is prohibited because all opposing opinion is labeled as "hate speech" in some form.

A true leftist hates democracy. They are never satisfied, not until the whole world is conquered, and everybody has been made "equal" and suppressed under socialist ideology.

The only process going on is toward neoconservative neoliberal states. There is no indicator that we're moving to socialism.

Hasn't for example Belgium moved in a more socialist direction for 20 years now, with Cultral Marxism creeping in at the institutional level?

No government programs to raise awareness for feminism and multiculture? No safe spaces or trigger warnings at universities?