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bbsin said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
bbsin said:

This guy includes some spoilers in his review, BE WARNED!!!

Anyways, It seems like this review has never been a big fan of MGS in the past. From what I read, he's basically saying that MGS4 has gameplay that has advanced alot from the previous MGS games but hasn't been changed enough for his liking. He also keeps bringing up that he thinks players that have always disliked MGS before will continue to do so. And he concludes with MGS4 including some of the most classic moments in gaming and "exquisite" game elements, and even with that said, he's glad that this is the end of MG.

Oli Welsh's (the reviewer) entire review resume has been MarioKartWii (8/10), Army of Two , a re-review of WOW and Pirates of the burning sea . Based on his source history, he's pretty new at Eurogamer as his articles points to him joining the staff on February of this year.


I dunno how you can attempt to marginalize his review here when you were so stern on an obviously faulty reviews of another game, Ninja Gaiden 2.

....excuse me? If you hadn't noticed, I agreed with the general opinions that some of the reviews of NG2 were suspicious, mainly due to complaints of difficulty. I clearly said that I would not disregard any multiplatform independent review source no matter what I thought of the reviewers' credibility since my goal was to simply create a thread with various reviews (which I did). Regardless, the main problem (as any unbiased person would tell you) about NG2 was it's camera, dated level design and at times, it's framerate. Those 3 negatives were constant in just about every review that I compiled on that thread. From what I'm reading here, the reviewer at Eurogamer is already going into MGS4 with a bad taste in his mouth, without pointing out any negative aspect that he later on would not ironicly defend with a positive remark. All this only to end with cheeky remarks that even though the game has some of the best "moments ever" with some of the most effectively unique "touches" he's ever seen, he's glad that the MGS series is over with.

I'm sorry Zen, but if you can't see the difference between this review and the NG2 reviews, then there's something wrong with you. EDIT: which I now see that you know why I'm suspicious over this guy, other than the point that he's new and possibly trying to make a name for himself.

As for this:

"Perhaps you are simply a MGS fan and don't want to admit that this isn't the best game ever created according to everyone. "

don't play with fire Zen, You don't know me nearly well enough to make baseless assumptions such as that. I don't rule out any opinions except for those of a fanboy's but that doesn't change the fact that I'd like to see some consistant reasons on why game "A" is "x/10".

I think my original post was pretty dead on. This "omg no you didn't" post you just made doesn't really stand up when you actually compare the two reviews I'm talking about. It's obvious you seem to care more about MGS4 than NG2, but I'll digress because as you've so eloquently stated, I can't prove it, but don't let my admission that the review is rude negate my comments that your actions are hypocritical.

I don't expect completely fair and balanced posters to be required when they make the frankenreview posts, but I will not accept being flamed for calling people out when they make a mistake.


My problem was with the gamesradar review being biased against Ninja Gaiden and the difficulty of the game in general. Let me take some general inserts from the review, in context and lets compare them:


So those of us who aren’t down with the difficulty level are going to want to play a game that utilizes the Xbox 360’s potential with a balanced difficulty level that complements the solid gameplay - and thereby restore self esteem - leaving Itagaki’s insatiable bloodlust to the hardcore crowd that loves it so.- Gamesradar review

This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt(as does the rest of the review) that the reviewer himself doesn't like Ninja Gaiden, he's not the target for the game, not even close, and he simply doesn't like the game's difficulty or tedium, which is the main draw to the hardcore crowd at which the game is aimed. He even brings up early Ninja Gaidens as being "unflinchingly cheap and difficult" as one of their major drawbacks. The rest of the review is just as bad or worse, fyi.

This reviewer simply doesn't like Ninja Gaiden, and his review is tied with the lowest other review for the game. This also was one of the first reviews to surface.


Now this review comes out, and it's a bit less obvous, you're reaching, but even if I contended that this reviewer didn't like MGS4, wouldn't it be hypocritical of you to marginalize the review because it was from someone who didn't like MGS, when you refused to marginalize or at least give all the information on a review that was far worse in the hole against the game than this one?

Also, how is there something wrong with me for comparing the Gamesradar review with this one? The gamesradar review is far worse, by any measure.



Let me get to your list of anti-Ninja Gaiden talking points, Camera, Slowdown, Level design. You must realize that generic lists exist for for all games that don't get perfect scores. It is the justification that people give for the game not being perfect. It doesn't mean that any of those problems are significant. The fact is, Eurogamer gave NG2 1 point less than MGS4.

You obviously put a lot of credit into the average or concensus review system, but you can't have it both ways. MGS4 isn't perfect. It has boring cutscenes, antiquated gameplay, and complicated story, or so says Eurogamers talking points.


- Boring Cutscenes

- Antiquated Gameplay

- Complicated and nonsensical story


Now, I've never played MGS4. I don't know how big of a deal these things are. Probably aren't even kinda important, nor would the affect the game whatsoever.

However, I'll list them here, like they are the gospel.

...because that's EXACTLY what you just did with Ninja Gaiden 2. You've never played it. You don't know if those talking points are even kinda a real problem. In fact, you should know that most reviewers overemphasize flaws as excuses for giving games the score they feel they should get from the "fun" factor(especially in a frusterating game that you grow to hate due to difficulty). The real reason Ninja Gaiden 2 scored like it did, is because it was too damn hard. I think that's pretty obvious. Most of the reviewers didn't have fun playing it. That my friend, is exactly what hardcore Ninja Gaiden fans want. Just like a 45 minute ending cutscene is exactly what Metal Gear Solid fans want.


Your only argument that you can possibly come up with to counter this is the fact that most of the reviews mentioned the camera problems. Well, most of the MGS 4 reviews are gonna mention the story as well, I'd wager. When you put too much emphasis on reviews and examine them too much, you're gonna find fault and dissapointment in everything you play.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night didn't even score AAA. Let's not kid ourselves. Half of the reviewers in the world are idiots. They couldn't tell a good game from a bad one without looking at other reviews first.

However, when you preach their talking points, and their word as gospel on multiple posts for Ninja Gaiden 2, and then come and literally flame the 8/10 review of MGS4, going to the lengths to research the reviewer, to flame him more, you are hypocritical, and you shouldn't be making those types of calls on this game, for others with your review belief system, because you are obviously bias in favor of the game. It's not something I need to know you on a first name basis to determine.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.