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General Discussion - LOST - View Post

Lol ; ; yeah, he was a pretty cool guy. ok, this one's actually a spoiler for sure. so y'know, watch out :3

What do you think happened to Locke? I was shocked to seem him in the casket.

Edit: hey Scooper, you might wanna black all that stuff out.


Also, Who's jeremy? did we know him?

Edit again: whoa, totally the wrong person, sorry ; ; was going off of memory on what I thought your avatar looked like, and I got it wrong ^^; sorry Pooperscooper ; ;


The Mother 3 Fan Translation is done! Everyone go get it right now! (

Play Earthbound for the SNES ; ; Do it, it's awesome!

Proud participater of this year's Wii Secret Santa event! Hopefully you'll join the merriment next year!
Link below because I fail at embedding urls.