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Nautilus said:
Well, any console maker would love to have Nintendo IP on their systems.But I would also be happy to have Halo and Uncharted on Nintendo systems.It just wont happen.

I think both will happen within 5-6 years. Watch and see. 

Halo on Switch and Mario on XBox. And I think personally it's a good thing. Will be good for Rareware too. 

I think MS is already making overtures to Nintendo as we speak, and both companies will develop a nice working relationship because of Minecraft, which is going to be one of the top (if not the top) third party games on the Switch. 

Both should understand if there is an "enemey", it's actually Sony. Nintendo/MS fighting over the scraps from Sony's table benefits no one but Sony who's basically taken over the entire console industry for the last 20 years. Even with the Wii, and virtually every possible thing going right for Nintendo, and PS3 with every thing going wrong for Sony early on, the Wii barely outsold the PS3 in the end, that shows you how difficult it is to beat Playstation, and Nintendo is unlikely to ever have a controller miracle/fad like the Wiimote ever again.