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Well, that's like EA saying they would love to have Grand Theft Auto on Origin. Of course they do, it's friggin' Mario, it's a license to print money. xP

walsufnir said:
Dear Microsoft, please allow emulators on Xbox One and you have more Mario games than on any other console.                                     

I think they would if it would be that easy. But it would get them into a whole lot of trouble and it would damage any possible relations to Nintendo for good. Nintendo doesn't like emulators. They can't stop them on PC and when it comes to Homebrew, they can however very well stop them in closed systems. Thank god for Henkaku all that goodness finally on Vita!

And it's a shame that the chinese found a backdoor to the PS4 but decided to give the info straight to Sony instead of the scene. =/

Anyway, drifting away from the topic here!

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.