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Konami didn't delay the game. They in fact confirmed that the game was slated for this fiscal year, but once again, game journos proved themselves to be incompentant buffoons, who reported the non-delay as if it meant the game could/would slip to as late as March 2008, the end of Konami's fiscal year.

Exactly. Thank you. The news from Konami that the game would ship in the 2007 FY was a confirmation, not a new announcement. It meant that the game would be out anywhere between now and Mar 2008 at the latest, which was twisted into "delayed to March" by media outlets desperate for a story (and as I see in this thread, twisted even further by some into "confirmed not to ship this fiscal year"). As far as I can tell, they've never slipped from their plan to get it out this Christmas.

And whether the rest of the world thinks it's a system seller or not, it's hard to imagine me not grabbing a PS3 once that happens.