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Wyrdness said:
curl-6 said:

Nothing laughable about it; Sony, MS, Activision, EA, Ubisoft, Bestheda, they're all doing fine. Every week AAA games rule the charts. A few smaller studios may fall by the wayside, by again, that's just natural selection. I've been hearing the same song and dance about AAA destroying the industry since 2009, and yet here we are in 2016, and AAA still rules with an iron fist.

Minor polish issues are just not a big deal to most gamers. They're a small price to pay for the benefits of less game droughts and more stuff to play. Delays are a far worse practice. Better to provide faster service and give consumers the choice of jumping in or waiting, instead of forcing everyone to wait. Let the customer decide instead of choosing for them.

It is laughable because it's more than some smaller studios it's a significant amount of them since 2009 (7 years so the space of one gen) a number of them went under as well as a large amount running into financial problems even among some of the companies you keep parroting like Sony who still are battling financial aspects while MS offset the large losses with their other buisness, the others reduced their output to focus on only a few select titles as the financial strain is too big but ignorance is bliss afer all and some prefer to remain blind to any issue pointed out as long as the is some random AAA title around.

Faster is not better no matter how much you tell yourself that implementing bad practices just to rush out a product is not a positive in any shape or form no matter how many times you parrot that sentiment I'll keep telling you this, your logic is rush out give the consumer a choice of buying a potentially broken product and the fact that you think that this choice is some sort of redeeming factor is disturbing in any industry.

If it was as bad as you claim, the AAA industry would have collapsed by now. But it hasn't, and its not going to, at least not anytime soon.

The positives of getting more content faster outweighs the potential negatives of day 1 imperfections, which in most cases amount to little more than slight framerate issues or minor bugs, neither of which are dealbreakers, and many of which are swiftly fixed.