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Wyrdness said:
curl-6 said:

You're picking out a few minority cases of publishers struggling when the majority are doing well. I think you just don't like that AAA gaming is dominating the industry.

And the sales charts don't support your argument. Products lacking polish tear up the charts week in and week out. 

Games releasing before they’re fully polished is a good thing; it means we get more games more often, while it takes nothing away from those who’d rather wait, as they still have the option of holding out for a few months til it’s patched.

No I've given you examples of a significant number that have had problems stemming from last gen that highlight the effects people are pointing out now day, you however have already made your mind up so an example being the non sense in your claim in people not liking AAA dominating. Such a claim is so laughable it calls into question your mode of thinking as AAA just means high budget blockbuster people personally don't care if they're dominating, pointing out the expensive effect on developers is not disliking AAA approach so if you have no counter arguments leave the attacks to yourself.

No dude games releasing before being polished is a disaster and the fact that someone would say this is mind boggling, getting games more often is not worth it if they're released with problems, those who wait can opt not to buy if the problems are severe I did just that with No Man's Sky, those who buy the game are left unhappy. The is no positive from implementing bad practices that's what starts the slide downward.

Nothing laughable about it; Sony, MS, Activision, EA, Ubisoft, Bestheda, they're all doing fine. Every week AAA games rule the charts. A few smaller studios may fall by the wayside, by again, that's just natural selection. I've been hearing the same song and dance about AAA destroying the industry since 2009, and yet here we are in 2016, and AAA still rules with an iron fist.

Minor polish issues are just not a big deal to most gamers. They're a small price to pay for the benefits of less game droughts and more stuff to play. Delays are a far worse practice. Better to provide faster service and give consumers the choice of jumping in or waiting, instead of forcing everyone to wait. Let the customer decide instead of choosing for them.