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Wyrdness said:
curl-6 said:

You can cherry pick a few series and say they're in decline, but the AAA sector as a whole still dominates the sales charts and the console market. That's not changing anytime soon.

Most consumers would rather play something than nothing. Game droughts are worse than a few framerate dips or minor bugs.

Cherry picking what, it's you yourself who refuses to ignore the clear effects on the industry feel free to keep thinking nothing is happening though.

Most consumers want to play something that works as intended if the product is hampered to the point that it doesn't deliver most consumers would have rathered played something else or nothing, again these aren't minor bugs like you keep parroting that we're talking about.

You're picking out a few minority cases of publishers struggling when the majority are doing well. I think you just don't like that AAA gaming is dominating the industry.

And the sales charts don't support your argument. Products lacking polish tear up the charts week in and week out. 

Games releasing before they’re fully polished is a good thing; it means we get more games more often, while it takes nothing away from those who’d rather wait, as they still have the option of holding out for a few months til it’s patched.