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Wyrdness said:
curl-6 said:

Activision, Sony, Microsoft, Bethesda, EA, Ubisoft, none of them are in danger of imminent collapse, and none of them are backing away from the AAA model.

And I didn't say all of Wii U's problems were due to delays, there were definitely other factors, such as marketing, power, and pricing, but the droughts that resulted from key software being delayed definitely hurt the system.

Yet once big hitters like Factor 5, Freeradical and even a once huge publisher like THQ went under so your few exceptions doesn't override reality mate.

Deadlines are only part of the story the full story is that they had two platforms to develop for as well, the total software output is actually more than any other publisher.

Companies coming and going is a process of natural selection. THQ is the exception; the majority of big publishers are doing fine.

And it's still not enough; again and again delays left months of barren nothingness.