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LadyJasmine said:
People go to Dubai as its like Las Vegas but minus the 'sin' however for Westerners you have to be very careful how you act.

There are tons of weeks British expats living in dubai and have been for about a decade. you don't need to be extra careful or anymore careful. it's not like you won't very raped, mugged, harmed in any other country. 


The difference comes with laws. like travelling to any country it is good to know what the laws are and what to stay away from. I had a Sikh friend who was going to move to the Dominican Republic. he fiance moved first, got robbed and killed for a motorbike by a local cartel and the police did nothing but giving them a telling of for flashing cash which they weren't. after everything that family went through it was the least helpful thing. 


Having said that,this doesn't mean the UAE should be using crazy made up laws.