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I do agree that overall I'd much prefer to have the next game to be more like Origins than Inquisition, but there are certain barriers there now that pretty much prevent this from happening, the most key among them being continuity. The first Dragon Age, much like the first Mass Effect, wasn't bound by any need to keep choice impact held as in check as possible. Sure they were hoping for those games to be big successes and turn into profitable franchises, but since it wasn't a given, they were on some level treated as one offs, which gives you a certain freedom. You can influence things in these very radical ways, because there hasn't been any real planning into what comes next yet.

Now that those games are solidified big franchises, there's always that issue of continuity. If we let the player do this, and get too far off course from what we're planning to do in the next game, then the path diverges too drastically to the point where we have to make a complete different game for player A and player B.