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Wyrdness said:
curl-6 said:

Nintendo's rampant, out-of-control delays are a worse habit than games releasing slightly imperfect and being swiftly updated. At least other companies get their games out in a reasonable timeframe.

Except the games released today are more than slightly imperfect the experience is damage to hell in a number of cases ask console players of Skyrim SE how they feel about the past week and a half when Bethesda's patch caused the game to crash when loading the game on all platforms rendering it unplayable, PC players had to patch the game themselves. Many of them are literally saying would take a delay to not experience forking out money to go through that as they're livid especially after the debacle of the original Skyrim release and Fallout 4's problems that it's began to hurt their rep with their player base and fans you can even go to Bethesda's support forums to see examples of what I mean.

Sorry but anyone advocating such practice needs to sit down and think because it's horrid to go through, Dishonoured 2 PC players are going through it now and this is after having a day 1 patch as well. The majority of people would rather have a polished game in their hands than go through that and Nintendo wouldn't want to have to continue working on and patching the game after it's released as it impacts resources for future projects.

Sorry but delays are better than that nonsense, it's not even a debate at all.

It is debateable, because I disagree entirely. People may complain about Skyrim's bugs, but it sold over 15 million on PS3/360 alone and is beloved by gamers and critics. If gamers were really so against games being released imperfect, why do AAA games released this way sell multiple millions year after year?

Minor bugs and framerate issues are clearly not dealbreakers for the majority of gamers. Games these days have become so bloated and huge that if devs waited until they were flawless, they would never release. There comes a point where actually getting the product to consumers needs to take priority over a developer's neverending pursuit of unreachable perfection.